
About Me

Basic Information

  • Name: Shunta Komatsu (he/him)
  • Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
  • Residence: Tokyo, Japan
  • Languages: Japanese (native), English (fluent)
  • Interests: Go, Vim, observability, fintech, payment systems, real estate, and stocks

Professional Experience

  • Current Position: Software Engineer at Mercari, Inc. (April 2022 - Present)

    • Tech Lead since Jul 2024
    • Developing microservices for the payment platform used by the entire Mercari Group
  • Side Position: Software Enginner at ISOGE! (July 2024 - Present)

    • Developing real estate price estimation service “ISOGE!”
  • Previous Positions:


  • Graduate School: Tokyo University of Science, M.S. in Computer Science

    • Focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning
    • Conducted research on image processing under Professor Yukinobu Taniguchi
  • Undergraduate School: Tokyo University of Science, B.S. in Computer Science

    • Coursework in information engineering and statistics
    • Conducted research on image processing under Professor Yukinobu Taniguchi

Public Speaking

  • Professional Presentations:

    • Go Conference mini 2023 Winter IN KYOTO: “The Future of encoding/json” (slides)
    • mercari.go #24 - GopherCon 2023 Recap: “Recap: Automatically Instrument Your Go Source Code with Orchestrion” (slides)
    • Go 1.21.1 Release Party & GopherCon 2023 Recap: “Recap: The Future of JSON in Go” (slides)
  • Academic Presentations:

    • IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR) 2021: “Passenger Flow Estimation with Bipartite Matching on Bus Surveillance Cameras”


  • Tech Blog Posts:
    • “決済基盤の Observability を向上するための Datadog Dashboard の進化” - Mercari Engineering Blog (post)
    • “メルペイ決済基盤における Source Payment による決済手段の抽象化” - Mercari Engineering Blog (post)

Open Source Contributions

Awards and Funding

  • Full Exemption from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship
  • Best Presentation Award at Art Science Forum 2022